Paul Stapleton Colloquium

Paul Stapleton presents his colloquium Friday, October 25 at 3:30pm in 107 Old Cabell.
Paul Stapleton is an improviser and sound artist originally from Southern California. He designs and performs internationally with a variety of modular metallic sound sculptures, custom made electronics and found objects. Paul is currently Professor of Music at SARC in Belfast, where he teaches and supervises research in new musical instrument design, music performance, sound design, and critical improvisation studies. He has received critical acclaim for several artistic projects, including his album FAUNA (2013, pfMENTUM) with saxophonist Simon Rose, and for his sound design and composition work as part of the immersive audio theatre piece Reassembled, Slightly Askew (2015).
Paul’s talk is titled “Musicians are not Users: Researching performer-instrument relations through design and improvisation.”
"Musicians are not users of musical instruments. Music is not a task, like sending a text on your phone or driving from a to b. Creative musicians are perhaps better described as abusers of instruments, or explorers of the edges & breaking points of both sonic materials & culture. After introducing and contextualising this position, I will then talk in more detail about specific research projects, including the work I’ve been doing with my colleagues Maarten van Walstijn (parameter exploration in virtual acoustic instruments) and Matthew Rodger (skill acquisition with DMIs)."
Paul will also be performing Friday night at the ’Telemetry’ event at The Bridge PAI. See details here: You are warmly invited to join us for the Colloquium and the Concert!
Old Cabell Hall is located on the south end of UVA's historic lawn, directly opposite the Rotunda. Parking is available in the central grounds parking garage on Emmet Street, in the C1 parking lot off McCormick Rd, and in the parking lots at the UVA Corner. Handicap parking is available in the small parking lot adjacent to Bryan Hall.
Please call the Music Department at 434.924.3052 for more information.
To all the speakers in the colloquium series visit
All programs are subject to change.