Baroque Orchestra Fall Concert

November 25, 2013 - 8:00pm
Old Cabell Hall

The McIntire Department of Music presents the Baroque Orchestra on Monday November 25th 2013 at 8pm in Old Cabell Hall.  The concert is free and open to the public.

TheUVA BaroqueOrchestra, directed by David Sariti, offers students the rare opportunity to perform music of the 17th and 18th centuries on the instruments for which it was written, at low pitch.  Students use period instruments from the University’s extensive collection, receiving personal instruction on the special techniques necessary, and must be accomplished on their modern counterparts.

Violinist David Sariti is known for his fluency in performance that cuts across styles and eras, with a repertoire spanning from the seventeenth century to the present day.  Faculty at UVa since 2005, he directs the period-instrument Baroque Orchestra, maintains a violin studio, coaches chamber music,performs in the Rivanna Quartet, and is Principal Violin II of the Charlottesville Symphony at the University of Virginia.  He can even be found playing jazz, on occasion, sitting in with trumpeter John D’earth. Dr. Sariti also maintains an active presence on the Baroque violin.  Along with members of the Baltimore Consort and Harmonious Blacksmith, he recently founded “Mr. Jefferson’s Music”.  This group’s performance at the American Musical Instrument Society 2013 conference has been recorded for future release.  In collaboration with Monticello, hehas presented programs of music from the collection of Thomas Jefferson since 2006, and is featured on the CD “Music from the Jefferson Collection”.


Old Cabell Hall is located on the south end of UVA's historic Lawn, directly opposite the Rotunda.  Parking is available in the Central Grounds Parking Garage, or in the lots off University Avenue at the University CornerHandicapped parking is available in the C1 parking lot or in designated spaces on McCormick Avenue.

For more information please call the McIntire Department of Music at 434.924.3052.


UVA Department of Music
112 Old Cabell Hall
P.O. Box 400176 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4176
