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Safety Information
Getting Home Safely
The Music Department houses a very busy group of people who practice and perform at all hours of the day. We are proud of our students for working so hard, but many of these activities take place at night. For those of you who play in ensembles that rehearse at late hours, or perform in/attend concerts which are in the evenings, we want to make sure that all of you get home safely.
A team of faculty, staff and students created this "Gigging Musicians Guide to Getting Home Safely." The information is below, but also in this downloadable pdf document.
Gigging Musicians' Guide to Getting Home Safely
Arrange How You're Getting Home Before You Go
- Don't wait and see if you can hitch a ride home; get in touch with the people you know and figure out a carpool!
- Don't be shy; getting to know fellow musicians may even turn out to be a great networking opportunity to line up future gigs!
- If you need to walk or take public transportation, map out a route along the busiest streets where you are least likely to be alone.
On Your Way Home: Stay Alert
- Know what is going on around you, even in unfamiliar situations.
- If you're walking or taking public transportation:
- stay awake
- avoid wearing headphones
- don't let yourself get lost in your phone or a book.
- If your surroundings become unsafe, you need to be able to react.
"Keep Your Cards Close"
- Keep your phone, wallet, laptop and any other valuables out of sight.
- Take off any valuable jewelry before you leave and put them out of sight.
- Wear instrument cases and other bags strapped as closely as possible to you.
- If anyone asks you any questions, be polite but don't give them any information that makes you look vulnerable; just keep walking or otherwise moving away.
Preventative Measures
- Contact Campus Police for safe rides home: 434-242-1122
More Student Safety Resources
- https://safetyandsecurity.virginia.edu/resources