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Locker Request
Locker Request/Agreement Form
Please note that submitting a locker request does not guarantee that you will get a locker. We will notify you when a locker has been assigned.
Instrument lockers are available for a fee (listed below) during each semester or for the full academic year. Priority is given to instrumental music students enrolled in curricular ensembles or taking private lessons. Pending availability, those not enrolled in ensembles or lessons may be assigned a locker after other requests have been processed. Because of limited locker space, you are not guaranteed a locker. All locker contents must be removed by the end of exams of the purchased semester.
Lockers are used at students' own risk, and neither UVA nor the Music Department is liable for any loss, damage, or theft of the contents left in any locker, or for the disposal of its contents. You may only store your instrument in your locker - no backpacks, friends' instruments, food, etc. Users are strongly encouraged to obtain personal property insurance for instruments of high value. If a locker is being shared by two or more students and if responsibility is unclear, all individuals using that locker will share the cost of any damage to the locker or the cost to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged lock. You may not leave your locker open or unlocked when unattended. Please also note that lockers are subject to search without further notification, to ensure that they are being used according to department policy as outlined on this form. If you are found in violation of these policies, your locker privileges will be revoked and a fee may be assessed. You will not make use of a personal/unassigned padlock on any of the instrument lockers.
Report any locker problems to the Administrative Assistant.
Locker Fees:
$10 per semester (except for Summer, which is $5)
$15 for utilizing a personal padlock on a locker
$15 for leaving a locker unlocked (even if it is empty)
$15 for using a locker to store items other than your own instrument (food, backpacks, friends' instruments, etc.)
$30 for keeping equipment in a locker beyond the semester deadline (end of exams for that semester)
Other Fees
$15 if a lock is damaged or stolen
If a locker is damaged, the student must pay the cost of that repair.
To access the Locker Request Form, please click here.