Application deadline is in February 14, 2025.

The Performance Concentration is a two-year program within the BA in music available to rising third-year students. In the 3rd and 4th years, a student may work towards a Concentration in Music, an official credit on a student transcript, which requires an additional 21 performance credits in addition to the standard B.A. in Music requirements. Students in the Concentration will work with expert performance faculty in a Performance Seminar, they will receive some free accompanist time, they receive Lesson Scholarships for the duration of the two years of study, and they perform a 4th-year recital.
The Concentration in Music Performance recognizes significant accomplishment in musical performance by majors in the Department of Music. The program serves students who are interested in developing their instrumental or vocal performance skills beyond the level required for the B.A. in Music. DMP students and College Arts Scholars may also earn the Performance Concentration, which provides more intensive performance training than either of those programs.
Music majors who study with our performance faculty will be eligible to audition for this Concentration. Areas include jazz, classical music, and select genres of non-Western, popular, and folk music.
- Second-year Music Majors or those intending to declare the Music Major may apply.
- Students should already be taking or eligible to take lessons at the 3000 level.
- Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Admission to the program is by application and audition:
- To apply, a student will need a recommendation from the primary instrumental or vocal instructor, or an ensemble director
- Auditions are held in March 26, 2025. Students should be prepared to play at least 10 minutes of music, which does not need to be from their proposed DMP program.
In addition to the 31 credits required for the BA in Music, the Performance Concentration consists of an additional 21 performance credits
- Take two years’ of advanced private lessons
- Participate in a Performance Seminar with your peers several times per semester (including a ca. 30-minute performance in a master-class setting)
- Participate in departmental performance ensembles
- Give a 4th-year recital in Old Cabell Hall Auditorium (may also be a DMP recital)
Program Eligibility and Application:
The Concentration provides formal recognition for a few outstanding students who earn musical performance credits at an advanced level and with a coherent plan supervised by an assigned Concentration Advisor.
Admission to the Concentration is based on application and audition. By the time of application, all applicants must have:
• completed at least one semester of private lessons (MUPF 2XXX Performance)
• passed a successful jury to allow them to enroll in advanced lessons (MUPF 3XXX Advanced Performance)
• declared the Music Major
The Concentration requires students to complete the 31 credits of the Music Major, and 21 additional credits in advanced musical performance. To earn the Performance Concentration credential, students must have a cumulative GPA at graduation of 3.0 or above, and a cumulative GPA of 3.4 in all credits applied to the Performance Concentration.
Additional requirements for the Performance Concentration:
Download the Performance Concentration Checklist
- MUPF 3950 | Performance Concentration I | 2 credits | Fall / 3rd Year
- MUPF 3960 | Performance Concentration II | 2 credits | Spring / 3rd Year
- MUPF 4950 | Performance Concentration III | 2 credits | Fall / 4th Year
- MUPF 4960 | Performance Concentration IV | 2 credits | Spring / 4th Year
- MUSI 4950 | Performance Concentration Seminar | 4 credits | Each Semester of 3rd and 4th Year
- MUSI 4993 | Independent Study (academic research for concluding recital) If you are performing a DMP recital in your 4th year, the requirement for MUSI 4993 is 2 credits; 1 per semester in both fall and spring of your 4th year | 1 credit | Spring / 4th Year
- MUEN 3XXX | Performance Credits - in addition to BA performance requirement | 8 credits | over four years
Total minimum credits: 21 credits
MUPF 3950 and MUPF 3960 Performance Concentration I-II
Taken in the fall and spring semesters of the third year. One-hour weekly advanced lessons (13 per semester). Graded, 2 credits
Students at this level should make a time commitment to practicing appropriate to the demands of the Concentration Program, to be determined by the individual performance instructors. Students play a jury, i. e. a brief performance for a group of faculty, at the end of each semester, in addition to a 15-30-minute solo performance once per year as part of the Performance Seminar.
MUPF 4950 and 4960 Performance Concentration III-IV
Taken in the fall and spring semesters of the fourth year. One-hour weekly advanced lessons (13 per semester). Graded, 2 credits
Students at this level should make a time commitment to practicing appropriate to the demands of the Concentration Program, to be determined by the individual performance instructors. Students play a jury, i.e. a brief performance for a group of faculty, at the end of each semester, in addition to a 15-30-minute solo performance once per year as part of the Performance Seminar, and a spring semester full recital.
MUSI 4950 Performance Concentration Seminar
Taken each semester of the third and fourth year. Graded, 1 credit
Provides intensive instruction in voice or on an instrument, broadens and deepens repertory knowledge, and provides experience in public performance as well as the evaluation of performance. Students perform at least one solo recital per semester. Students write self-evaluations of their performance and receive feedback from instructor.
MUEN Credits
Each student would ordinarily gain experience in at least two different performance ensembles.
MUSI 4993 Credit and Recital
* Note: If you are performing a DMP recital in your 4th year, the requirement for MUSI 4993 is 2 credits; 1 per semester in both fall and spring of your 4th year
In the spring semester of fourth year, each student is required to perform a full-length recital (or equivalent for non-classical traditions). The repertoire workshopped in the fourth-year Performance Seminar may form a subset of the recital program. The student will also complete a one-credit independent study with an appropriate faculty member, comprising academic research on the recital repertoire.
The Concentration and the Distinguished Major Project
If they wish, students in the Performance Concentration may also apply for a Distinguished Major recital. Applications are due in the spring semester of the third year, and students should note that the DMP requires a cumulative GPA at graduation of 3.4. Note: students in the Performance Concentration must also audition for the DMP recital in the spring semester of the third year. Auditions will be primarily in-person but students needing to audition by video submission will be accommodated.
For students who are accepted into BOTH the Performance Concentration and the DMP programs:
- MUPF 4950-4960 Performance Concentration III-IV will substitute MUPF 4920-4930 Honors Performance required for DMP recitals
- The one-credit independent study (MUSI 4993) undertaken for the Concentration Recital in the spring semester will substitute for the one-credit independent study required for the DMP Recital. However, the student is required to take an additional one-credit independent study (MUSI 4993) in the fall semester.
- The Concentration Recital will double as the DMP Recital (assuming a cumulative GPA of 3.4 at graduation).
- Daniel Sender, Director of the Performance Concentration Seminar,
- Kelly Sulick, Director of Music Performance,
- Fred Maus, Director of the Undergraduate Program,