Charlottesville & University Symphony Orchestra Youth Concerts - SOLD OUT
The Charlottesville Symphony at the University of Virginia presents the 2013 Youth Concerts Jazzing Up the Orchestra on Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at Old Cabell Hall on the historic lawn of the University of Virginia. In 2013 our Youth Concerts will showcase Symphonic Jazz!
Students are guided through the performance, introducing the instruments, music, and performers. Before the concert, all participants receive a concert guidebook designed for young students that explains all parts of the orchestra and its music.This popular annual event is especially designed for fourth and fifth graders.
Youth Concerts have long been a favorite way to introduce children to the exhilarating experience of attending a live orchestral performance. The Charlottesville Symphony at the University of Virginia's first Youth Concerts were presented in 1977. The project always proves popular with students and has enthusiastic support and assistance from local music teachers. Because of the continuing support of area foundations, businesses and individual contributors, we can ensure that future generations experience our Youth Concerts and the thrill of symphonic music.
Resevations have been filled for 2013. For further information about the Symphony outreach programs, please contact Elizabeth Roberts, Director of Youth Education, at