Xhosa Collaborations and Makhanda at Dawn: a virtual link across the Atlantic with live arts in Makhanda (South Africa)

April 8, 2019 - 8:00pm
The Bridge PAI

The Music Matters series continues its relationship with the Black Power Station in a live arts event connecting painters, sound artists, and musicians via live digital links between Mahkanda and Charlottesville. Come participate in an evening of experimental performances and installations and be part of UVA’s growing collaborative engagement with one of South Africa’s most progressive arts collectives. There will be free food and beverages. 

This event is generously supported by the Mead Endowment.

All events are subject to change. Please call 434.924.3052 for more information.

The Bridge PAI (Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative)
Phone: 434-218-2060
Email: info@thebridgepai.org
Website: thebridgepai.org

The Bridge is located at 209 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA


UVA Department of Music
112 Old Cabell Hall
P.O. Box 400176 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4176

Email: music@virginia.edu