George Lewis Workshop

April 10, 2014 - 3:30pm
Old Cabell Hall

The University of Virginia McIntire Department of Music presents a workshop by pioneering composer and trombonist George Lewis (Columbia University) on Thursday, April 10th at 3:30pm in Cabell Hall Auditorium.  George E. Lewis is the Edwin H. Case Professor of American Music at Columbia University. During this workdhop, musicians from U.Va.'s Program in Composition and Computer Technologies, the Jazz Improvisation Workshop, and the New Music Ensemble engage Lewis's Artificial Life (2007), under the composer's direction. This workshop is free and open to the public. For more information, call 434.924.3052. Presented by the Graduate Colloquium Series, McIntire Department of Music.

George Lewis is the Edwin H. Case Professor of American Music at Columbia University. His diverse works are represented on over 140 recordings. A MacArthur Fellow and member of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians since 1971, Lewis's A Power Stronger Than Itself: The AACM and American Experimental Music (University of Chicago Press, 2008) received the American Book Award.

George Lewis Residency open events
Open Workshop
Thursday, April 10, 3:30 to 5:30pm
Cabell Hall Auditorium
Musicians from U.Va.'s Program in Composition and Computer Technologies, the Jazz Improvisation Workshop, and the New Music Ensemble engage Lewis's Artificial Life (2007), under the composer's direction.
Colloquium: Why Do We Want Computers To Improvise?
Friday, April 11, 3:30pm

Old Cabell Hall, Room 107
George Lewis will discuss the "hybrid, cyborg sociality" formed when free improvisation meets AI and other creative technologies.
George E. Lewis is the Edwin H. Case Professor of American Music at Columbia University. The recipient of a 2002 MacArthur Fellowship, a 1999 Alpert Award in the Arts, a 2011 United States Artists Walker Fellowship, and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Lewis studied composition with Muhal Richard Abrams at the AACM School of Music, and trombone with Dean Hey. A member of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) since 1971, Lewis's work in electronic and computer music, computer-based multimedia installations, and notated and improvisative forms is documented on more than 140 recordings. His work has been presented by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Boston Modern Orchestra Project, Talea Ensemble, Dinosaur Annex, Ensemble Pamplemousse, Wet Ink, Ensemble Erik Satie, Eco Ensemble, and others, with commissions from American Composers Orchestra, International Contemporary Ensemble, Harvestworks, Ensemble Either/Or, Orkestra Futura, Turning Point Ensemble, San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, 2010 Vancouver Cultural Olympiad, IRCAM, Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra, and others. Lewis has served as Ernest Bloch Visiting Professor of Music, University of California, Berkeley; Paul Fromm Composer in Residence, American Academy in Rome; Resident Scholar, Center for Disciplinary Innovation, University of Chicago; and CAC Fitt Artist In Residence, Brown University. Lewis received the 2012 SEAMUS Award from the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States, and his book, A Power Stronger Than Itself:  The AACM and American Experimental Music (University of Chicago Press, 2008) received the American Book Award and the American Musicological Society’s Music in American Culture Award. Lewis is the co-editor of the forthcoming two-volume Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies, and is composing Afterword, an opera commissioned by the Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry at the University of Chicago, to be premiered at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago in Fall 2015.



UVA Department of Music
112 Old Cabell Hall
P.O. Box 400176 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4176
