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African Roots: Drumming, Singing, Moving

No Audition Required (just an open mind, willingness to try new things, and to focus/commit your attention and have fun).
Goal is to form a community expressed through polyphony and polyrhythm.
Music rooted in Ewe (Ghana/Togo), BaAka (Central African Republic) traditions. Integrated percussion, dancing, and singing (try it all, forget what you think you are good at!). We will branch into some new creative territory as interests and abilities allow. Those with previous experience should register for MUEN 3690, those new to the material for MUEN 2690 (sections meet at the same time).
African Roots: Drumming, Singing, Moving is a practical, hands-on course focusing on several music/dance forms from Western and Central Africa with performances during and at the end of the semester. Though no previous experience with music or dance is required, we will give special attention to developing tight ensemble dynamics, aural musicianship, and a polymetric sensibility. Concentration, practice, and faithful attendance are required of each class member.