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Baroque Orchestra

The Baroque Orchestra, directed by faculty violinist David Sariti, presents dynamic, vital performances of music from the 17th and 18th centuries with the instruments and performance practices for which it was written, without a conductor. The experience will challenge preconceived notions of music performance, and build musicianship and listening skills. Period instruments at Baroque pitch from the University’s extensive collection are used, and students receive personal instruction on their specific techniques.
Every year a distinguished Weber Endowment Guest Artist works with the group, presenting a public masterclass and concert. Recent guests have included Grammy award-winning Quicksilver, Rebel Baroque, fortepianist David Breitman, The Vivaldi Project, and others.
Audition information can be found here. Questions should be directed to David Sariti (djs6k@virginia.edu).
Listen to the UVA Baroque Ochestra.