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Clarinet Ensemble Fall 2024 Recital

The UVA Department of Music is proud to present the Clarinet Ensemble on Monday, December 2nd at 5:00 pm in the Student Health and Wellness Lobby!

The clarinetists performing in this recital are Rishi Bhogaraju, Taran Gupta, Denise Head, Autumn Hong, Victoria Hua, Elizabeth Montoya-Laporte, Vi Nguyen, Matthew Ship, Anish Singh, and Carolina Toyryla.

The Clarinet Ensemble rehearses once a week, led by Jiyeon Choi, and performs at least once a semester. The ensemble studies various repertoire such as original compositions for the clarinet ensemble, and transcriptions from the orchestra/wind band/jazz literature. 

The recital features dance-inspired works from around the world including El Cumbanchero by Hernandez, Danzon No.2 by Marquez, Spanish Dance by Moszkowki, Clarinet Fairytale by Shigeta. And Wedgwood blue by Ketelbey.

The Clarinet Ensemble is directed by Dr. Jiyeon Choi.

The Student Health and Wellness (SHW) building is located at 550 Brandon Ave. The SHW parking garage is underground on Monroe Lane, which runs parallel to Brandon Ave. You can turn onto Monroe Lane from Jefferson Park Avenue.

All events are subject to change.

For more information about this event, please contact the UVA Department of Music at or at 434.924.3052.

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