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Concert Band

MUEN 2600, Class number: 10545, Spring rehearsals are held on Tuesdays, 6:00-8:15PM. All rehearsals are held in the Hunter Smith Band Building.
The University of Virginia Concert Band is a large wind ensemble open to all students at UVA, conducted by the Associate and Assistant Band Directors. Concert Band meets in the Spring Semester only and performs one concert at the end of the term. An audition is not required for enrollment and directors may hold chair placement hearings to determine appropriate part assignments.
The Concert Band’s membership is composed of dedicated students from every division and department within the University. Students appreciate the opportunity to practice and perform repertoire from a variety of genres and time periods as an outlet for creativity and expression. Past music selections have included standard band literature, pop music, and concertos with special guest artists. For more information on the Concert Band, please contact director Andrew Koch via email at akoch@virginia.edu.