Fall 2025 Undergraduate Courses
MUSI 1310 Basic Musical Skills (3 credits)
Ben Rous
Section 1: MWF / 10:00-10:50 am / OCH 107
Class Number: 10314
Section 2: MWF / 12:00-12:50 pm / OCH 113
Class Number: 13015
Study of the rudiments of music and training in the ability to read music. No previous knowledge of music required.
MUSI 2090 Sound Studies (3 credits)
Topic: The Art and Experience of Listening
Noel Lobley
MW / 9:30-10:45 am / Wilson 142
Class Number: 13792
When we think about knowing the world through the senses, we are likely to think first of the visible world. But sound, hearing and listening are crucial too and often take precedence in many communities. Recently scholars in history, anthropology, geography, literary studies, acoustics, music, ecology, environmental science, and art have come together in the field of Sound Studies, reflecting on the role of sounds as forces that flow in and beyond human life. How do sound art, technology, and design create the world we inhabit and our everyday social and political experience? How can vibrations both heal and destroy? What does it mean to experience immersive and embodied sound? We will ponder these and other questions, moving between theoretical, experiential, and creative explorations.
Please note: this course is an introduction to Sound Studies, there is no pre-requisite, and students from all backgrounds, levels and experiences are welcome to come and explore myriad ways to engage with sound.
MUSI 2120 History of Jazz (3 credits)
Scott DeVeaux
Section 100: MW / 11:00-11:50 am / OCH B012
Class Number: 20269
Discussion Sections:
Section 101: R / 9:30-10:20 am / OCH S008
Class Number: 20270
Section 102: R / 10:30AM-11:20 am / OCH S008
Class Number: 20271
Section 103: R / 12:30-1:20 pm / OCH S008
Class Number: 20272
Perhaps you have heard this anecdote. Someone asks, "What is jazz?" And the answer is, "If you have to ask, you willl never know." But that's no longer true.
In this class, we will teach you about jazz. We will explain what music improvisation is, and how it works. We will offer guides about how to listen to the music. And we will tell you the story of jazz: how it fits into American history, and more specifically Black history. You will come to know the music and the personalities of jazz titans such as Louis Armstrong, John Coltrane, Billie Holiday, and Charlie Parker. And you will get to see the intertwining of styles and recordings that make up the jazz tradition.
This class presupposes no musical knowledge, beyond the desire to learn about traditions that may be outside your experience. With that in mind, the first two chapters in the textbook Jazz concentrates on musical elements. Learn as much as you can by 1) reading Chapters 1-2; 2) watching the lecture videos on Collab under Chapters 1-2; 3) consulting the Norton study space, which has ample discussion of terms and concepts.
The course itself tells the story of jazz, starting with the origins in the complex musical culture of the early 20th century and proceeding, step by step. We will arrive at the present in three ways: 1) through the modernist narrative, which leads to the jazz avant-garde; 2) the fusion narrative, which links jazz to popular culture; and 3) the historicist narrative, framing the jazz present in terms of its past.
MUSI 2302 Keyboard Skills (Beginning) (2 credits)
Shelby Sender
Section 1: TR / 11:00 am - 12:15 pm / OCH 113
Class Number: 10315
Section 2: TR / 12:30-1:45 pm / OCH 113
Class Number: 11079
Introductory keyboard skills; includes sight-reading, improvisation, and accompaniment at the keyboard in a variety of styles. No previous knowledge of music required. Satisfies the performance requirement for music majors. Requirement: Instructor Permission
MUSI 2307 Play Guitar! 1 (2 credits)
Mike Rosensky
MW / 1:00-1:50 pm / OCH B012
Class Number: 12265
Fundamentals of playing guitar, with an emphasis on rhythmic training along with some music theory. This class will start from scratch and is meant for beginners. Experienced guitarists are encouraged to enroll in MUSI 3307 Play Guitar! 2.
MUSI 2308 Vocal Skills Class (2 credits)
Pam Beasley
MW / 4:00-4:50 pm / OCH 107
Class Number: 19522
An introductory course to basic vocal technique; discussion to include those elements essential for healthy singing in a variety of styles. Will involve group and solo singing to apply these elements. No previous voice training or musical background required.
MUSI 2309 Group Voice Class, Popular (2 credits)
Stephanie Nakasian
TR / 11:00-11:50 am / OCH B012
Class Number: 13315
A fun, no pressure singing experience in popular music (pop, rock, jazz, theater, r&b, gospel, singer-songwriter, folk...). Exercises to help you improve tone, intonation, range, breath, power, and flexibility. Ways to develop your repertoire – the right keys, tempos, and arrangements for songs of your choosing. Tips on phrasing, rhythm and improvisation; easy basics of sight reading, piano and theory; tips on performance and marketing.
MUSI 2340 Learn to Groove (2 credits)
Robert Jospe
Section 1: MW / 10:00-10:50 am / 101 Hunter Smith Band Building
Class Number: 11897
Section 2: MW / 11:00-11:50 am / 101 Hunter Smith Band Building
Class Number: 11898
"Learn to Groove" hand drumming and rhythmic fluency with Robert Jospe. This is a hands on drumming/percussion class using congas, djembes, claves, shakers, etc. This class is designed to enhance ones knowledge of syncopated patterns associated with jazz, rock, African and Latin American music and to improve ones facility in playing these patterns. This course will follow my book "Learn To Groove" and can include music students, non music students and is open to students of all skill levels. The course requires that students have or purchase a hand drum of their own. Congas, bongos, djembes, doumbeks or any other hand drums are appropriate.
MUSI 2342 Learn to Groove Intermediate (2 credits)
Robert Jospe
MW / 1:00-1:50 pm / 101 Hunter Smith Band Building
Class Number: 11899
"Learn to Groove" hand drumming and rhythmic fluency with Robert Jospe. This is the intermediate level of the class. It is a hands on drumming/percussion class using congas, djembes, claves, shakers, etc. This class is designed to enhance ones knowledge of syncopated patterns associated with jazz, rock, African and Latin American music and to improve ones facility in playing these patterns.
MUSI 2350 Technosonics: Digital Music (3 credits)
Luke Dahl
Section 100: MW / 11:00-11:50 am / Wilson 402
Class Number: 12176
Discussion Sections:
Section 101: T / 9:30-10:20 am / CAB 268
Class Number: 12177
Section 102: T / 10:30-11:20 am / CAB 268
Class Number: 12178
Section 103: T / 11:30 am-12:20 pm / CAB 268
Class Number: 12179
Section 104: R / 9:30-10:20 am / CAB 268
Class Number: 12180
Section 105: R / 10:30-11:20 am / CAB 268
Class Number: 12181
Section 106: R / 11:30 am-12:20 pm / CAB 268
Class Number: 12182
Section 107: F / 9:00-9:50 am / CAB 268
Class Number: 12183
Section 108: F / 10:00-10:50 am / CAB 268
Class Number: 12184
Section 109: F / 11:00-11:50 am / CAB 268
Class Number: 12185
This class (www.technosonics.info) explores the history, theory and practice of digital music and sound art. Students learn tools and techniques of music technology that inform many genres and traditions. In addition to historical and theoretical concerns, students will experiment with digital tools for musical creation.
MUSI 2600 Jazz Improvisation (3 credits)
TR / 3:30-5:00 pm / OCH B012
Class Number: 10914
The Jazz Improvisation Workshop explores the basic techniques and procedures for improvising in jazz and other musical contexts. No previous jazz or improvising experience is required but students must demonstrate a degree of fluency on their main instrument, an ability to read music and some familiarity with the basics of music theory. An individual interview/audition with the instructor is required before registering for this class.
MUSI 2993: Independent Study (1-3 credits)
Requirement: Instructor Permission
MUSI 3050 Music and Discourse (3 credits)
MWF / 10:00-10:50 am / OCH B012
Class Number: 11944
Studies the range of music that has flourished since the end of the 19th century including modernist and post-modern art music, popular music, and world music, through historical, critical, and ethnographic approaches.
MUSI 3060 Motown vs. Everybody: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (3 credits)
JoVia Armstrong
TR / 9:30-10:45 / OCH B012
Class Number: 19595
This course explores Motown Record Corporation's profound impact on culture and society, tracing its roots back to its inception and structural model of The Ford Motor Company. Along with its exceptionally talented artists, such as Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye, the record label played a significant role in breaking down racial barriers and unifying people from diverse backgrounds through the undeniable power of music. In addition, we will compare Motown to two other record labels, Stax Records and Philadelphia International Records, to better understand how all three reflected the political and social movements of the U.S. from the late 1950s to the late 1970s. As these three labels reflect the ideas of assimilation, integration, and self-reliance in Black America, we will explore why music is a powerful tool in resistance and examine how music as resistance continues to be relevant in today's society.
MUSI 3307 Play Guitar! 2 (2 credits)
Mike Rosensky
MW / 2:00-2:50 pm / OCH B012
Class Number: 13793
The course will have flexibility from semester to semester depending on the makeup of the class. Topics may include: Bar Chord/Power Chord Refresher, (Advanced) Syncopated Strumming, Blues Form, Three-Note Major and Minor Triads up and down the fretboard, Pentatonic Scale Positions, Major Scale Positions, Scale Patterns, Song Analysis, Composition, Improvisation, Seventh Chords, Chords of Higher Tension, Funk Grooves, Introduction to Jazz Guitar.
MUSI 3310 Theory I (3 credits)
Scott DeVeaux
Section 1: MWF / 1:00-1:50 pm / OCH 113
Class Number: 12186
Fred Maus
Section 2: MWF / 11:00-11:50 am / OCH 113
Class Number: 13794
Studies the pitch and rhythmic aspects of several musical styles, including European art music, blues, African drumming, and popular music. Focuses on concepts and notation related to scales and modes, harmony, meter, form, counterpoint, and style.
MUSI 3332 and 3334 Musicianship I and II (2 credits)
These lab courses give practical experience with many aspects of musical perception, performance, and creation; this includes sight-reading/singing; dictation of melody, rhythm, and harmony; and aural identification of intervals, chords, and rhythmic patterns. Students are welcome to take Musicianship more than once, whether by moving to a higher level or repeating the same level. Musicianship I and II may be taken for a grade or CR/NC. To satisfy the Musicianship requirement in the Music Major though, students must take Musicianship once as a graded course.
MUSI 3332 Musicianship I
MWF / 12:00-12:50 pm / OCH 113
Class Number: 10316
MUSI 3334 Musicianship II
Adam Carter
MWF / 12:00-12:50 pm / OCH 107
Class Number: 11305
3371 Creative Music Ensemble (3 credits)
Nicole Mitchell Gantt
T / 7:15-9:45pm / B018
Class Number: TBD
Creative Jazz Ensemble (CJE) is high-level performance and research ensemble directed by composer/creative flutist Nicole Mitchell. CJE will rehearse, develop, and perform work by Mitchell, in addition to repertoire by innovative jazz and creative music composers of the 21st century. Selected members of CJE will have the opportunity to compose for the ensemble. Advanced music students of any instrument (including electronics), with or without an improvisational background, are invited.
3372 Writing Rap (3 credits)
A.D. Carson
TR / 9:30-10:45 am / NCH 398
Class Number: 13795
This course focuses on the craft of writing raps. It is not necessary that students have previous experience writing raps to take this course. Students will listen to, attempt to deconstruct, and evaluate a broad range of rap music while learning the basics of composing lyrics. Along with writing raps, students will learn songwriting techniques and some theoretical approaches to composing larger works such as a “mixtape” or “album” through examinations of music, criticism, and literature.
3390 Introduction to Music & Computers (3 credits)
Leah Reid
Section 100: TR / 2:00-3:15 pm / OCH 107
Class Number: 12723
Lab Sections:
Section 101: M / 9:00-9:50 am / OCH B011
Class Number: 12420
Section 102: M / 10:00-10:50 am / OCH B011
Class Number: 12421
Section 103: M / 11:00-11:50 am / OCH B011
Class Number: 12422
Introduction to Music and Computers is an upper-level introductory course in music technology. Students gain theoretical, historical and practical knowledge of electronic and computer music. An emphasis is placed on creative hands-on experience composing music via digital technologies. Theoretical and practical topics include acoustics, recording, editing and mixing, MIDI, sound synthesis, and audio DSP. Students learn a host of skills and technologies useful for working with digital audio.
3390 fulfills the composition requirement of the Music Major. This is a composition class and key assignments are creative in nature. Note that you MUST register for the Lab (0 credits), as well as the course.
MUSI 3559/Section 1 New Course in Music (3 credits)
Topic: The Polyphonic Underground: Can Fungi Teach us to Be More Musical
Michelle Kisliuk
TR / 3:30-4:45 pm / OCH 107
Class Number: 19567
This course is open to all majors (no special scientific or musical background expected though previous experience is welcome). A deep dive into the intersections between creative life processes in the fungal realm (e.g. the underground networks of mycorrhizal fungi) and musical practices of structured improvisation, especially the polyphonic singing of BaAka forest people of Central Africa. We will develop a dynamic intellectual/creative community that combines close reading of texts, learning to sing and dance, discussing these fertile interconnections, and experimenting with imaginative, embodied ways of understanding -- all toward re-webbing a flourishing environmental and social world.
MUSI 3559/Section 2 New Course in Music (3 credits)
Topic: Contemplative Music Ensemble
JoVia Armstrong
Section 2: R / 4:00-6:30 pm / CNC 300, Studio 3B
Class Number: 19568
Students will learn about the transformative power of music in the "Contemplative Music Ensemble" by composing and performing music. This unique offering combines the study and practice of music with principles of mindfulness and contemplation, fostering a deeper connection between the musician, the music, and the audience. This course will also experiment with electronic trance music and various forms of ambient music, sounds of nature, and binaural beats.
MUSI 3559/Section 3 New Course in Music (2 credits)
Topic: Keyboard Skills 3
John Mayhood
TR / 9:30-10:45 am / OCH 113
Class Number: 20268
MUSI 3570 Music Cultures (3 credits)
Topic: Curating Sound: Art, Ethnography, and Community Practice
Noel Lobley
MW / 2:00-3:15 pm / Wilson 142
Class Number: 13800
This practical and discovery-driven design course explores the intersections of curatorial practice, sound studies, ethnography, composition, sound art, and community arts practice, through a series of engagements linking archival collections, local and international artists and art and community spaces, and the method and philosophies of embodied and experiential deep listening. Drawing from both the histories and potential affordances of sound curation we engage with practical examples ranging from sub-Saharan Africa to Australia, from Europe to New York, and right back here to the Charlottesville and UVA communities, asking what it means to curate local sound within globalized arts circuits. We will explore multiple and diverse case studies where artists, curators, communities, industries and institutions have both collaborated and clashed, as we ask whether it is desirable or even possible to curate the elusive, invasive and ephemeral object, medium and experience of sound.
Throughout the entire course we will be working closely with professional artists and curators most notably Around HipHop Live Café and the Black Power Station based in Makhanda, South Africa, the Kluge Ruhe Museum of Aboriginal Art, and the UVA Scholars Lab.
Less a lecture format, and more of an interactive workshop, critical and creative content will be explored in an open-pedagogical model where students apprentice as curators and eventually take an active role in curating the class itself. Expect a mix of group project work, individual reflection and portfolio curation, and real-world collaborative work with professional partners.
MUSI 3993 Independent Study (1-3 credits)
Requirement: Instructor Permission
MUSI 4061 The Sound of Film (3.0 credits)
Nomi Dave
TR / 9:30-10:45am / 107
Class Number: TBD
How do we listen to film? What is the relationship between sound and images? What stories does sound tell? This course will explore the role of sound and listening in film, from lo-fi to hi-fi, from sound effects and ambient noise to voiceovers, music, and sound design. We will consider the history of sound recording in film and will listen to and watch several different examples and techniques of sound story-telling. Students will also learn about different types of microphones, experiment with making recordings, and create their own short sound films. No musical experience necessary.
MUSI 4065 The Black Voice (3.0 credits)
A.D. Carson
TR / 11:00 am-12:15 pm / NCH 398
Class Number: 12272
This course focuses on critical analyses of and questions concerning “The Black Voice” as it pertains to hip-hop culture, particularly rap and related popular musics. Students will read, analyze, discuss a wide range of thinkers [artists included] to explore many conceptions and definitions of “Blackness” while examining popular artists and the statements they make in [and about] their art.
MUSI 4410 Orchestration II (3 credits)
Ben Rous
MWF / 11:00-11:50 pm / OCH 107
Class Number: 19566
This course will examine the symphony orchestra in detail, equipping students with all necessary skills to arrange or compose for any ensemble. We will learn the capabilities of every orchestral instrument, and study how they are combined by master composers. Students will create arrangements for string quartet, woodwind quintet, and full orchestra. The majority of these projects will receive readings by ensembles.
Projects may be completed with notation software or may be handwritten. No previous composition or arranging experience is necessary, but fluency in musical notation and familiarity with the basics of music theory are required.
MUSI 4509 Cultural & Historical Studies (3 credits)
Topic: Music, Experience, Embodiment
Fred Maus
W / 2:00-4:30 pm / OCH 113
Class Number: 19569
We will think about the varieties of consciousness and embodiment in musical experiences, our own and those of others. Class meetings will include experiential explorations along with discussion of assigned material.
4543 Sound Studio (3 credits)
Ted Coffey
R / 5:00-7:30 / OCH B011
Class Number: 19570
Studies in computer music studio techniques, sound synthesis using a variety of software packages based on the Macintosh platform, and the creation of original music using new technologies. Prerequisite: MUSI 3390 or instructor permission.
4581 Composition I (3 credits)
Leah Reid
TR / 9:30-10:45 am / OCH B011
Class Number: 13803
MUSI 4581 is an upper-level music composition course. Students will receive a combination of individual online lessons and synchronous online group sessions. The course will provide a forum for students to listen, discuss, workshop, develop, and explore inspirations, compositions, and ideas.
Over the course of the semester, students are expected to compose a large-scale work or a series of smaller works in the style of their choosing. Students may compose electronic, acoustic, or electroacoustic music.
4581 fulfills the composition requirement of the Music Major. The course can be repeated for credit with approval of the instructor.
Prerequisite: Students are expected to have some prior composition experience and should be comfortable with standard music notation or DAWs. While not required, it is recommended that students have taken MUSI 3380, 3390, participated in UVA’s Composers Collective, or taken another music composition course prior to taking MUSI 4581.
MUSI 4600 Performance with Computers (3 credits)
Matthew Burtner
Section 100: TR / 2:00-3:15 pm / OCH B011
Class Number: 13248
Lab Section:
Section 101: T / 3:30-4:30 pm / OCH B011
Class Number: 13249
The course teaches a blended approach to performance, composition and computer programming through the context of a computer music ensemble. Students from various backgrounds work collaboratively in a technological ensemble context while building skills in interactive media programming, sound art design and human-computer interaction. They explore a new way of making ensemble music in collaboration with interactive and networked computer systems.
MUSI 4750 Choral Conducting I (3 credits)
Michael Slon
MW / 2:00-3:15 pm / OCH 107
Class Number: 19565
Studies in the basic technique and art of conducting, with weekly experience conducting repertoire with a small choral ensemble. Prerequisite: basic ear training, sight-reading. Previous experience in a choral or instrumental ensemble is preferred. Interested students should consult with the instructor before registering. Instructor permission is required.
MUSI 4950 Performance Concentration Seminar (1 credit)
Daniel Sender
Class Number: 11684
MUSI 4993 Independent Study (1-3 credits)
Requirement: Instructor Permission