High Performance Computing for Musicians

High Performance Computing for Musicians Colloquium
Please join staff from UVA’s Research Computing group for an overview of the HPC resources and services that are available to faculty, staff, and students in the Department of Music. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
Computational infrastructure and tech support · Workshops & training · Consulting Services · Machine learning · Using MATLAB on Rivanna · Data storage options
ZOOM MEETING ID: 981 5517 6665 PASSCODE: 855213
Rivanna is the University of Virginia’s High-Performance Computing (HPC) system. As a centralized resource it has hundreds of pre-installed software packages available for computational research across many disciplines. Currently the Rivanna supercomputer has 595 nodes with over 22598 cores and 8PB of various storage.
All UVA faculty, staff, and postdoctoral associates are eligible to use Rivanna, or students when part of faculty research.
All events are subject to change.
For more information call 434.924.3052 or write music@virginia.edu
To see all events in our colloquium series visit https://music.virginia.edu/colloquia
Sponsored by Research Computing, The Virginia Center for Computer Music, and The Office of the Vice Provost for the Arts.