Module Contract

Practice Module Contract

I promise on my honor as a student of the University of Virginia to comply with the following rules pertaining to the UVA Department of Music practice modules:


  1. I will not use a module without making a reservation
  2. I will not bring food or drink into a module
  3. I will not use a practice module if I am feeling unwell or have a fever
  4. I will completely close the module door when I exit the module
  5. I will  not leave the module for longer than 5 minutes without returning the key to the office. I will return the key promptly once I finish.
  6. I will be careful not to damage any of the equipment and if I discover a problem in a module, I will report it
  7. I will not teach lessons in a module
  8. I will not move the piano or harp
  9. If a key is lost while I have it checked out, I will pay the cost of replacing the lock and the key
  10. I will abide by any other restrictions on module use set by the Music Department and acknowledge that hours and restrictions may change at any time
By signing your full name in this "Signature" field, you are indicating that you have read and understand the rules and regulations outlined above. Failure to comply with any of these rules will result first in a warning. Repeated offenses may cause you to lose the privilege of using the practice modules.


UVA Department of Music
112 Old Cabell Hall
P.O. Box 400176 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4176
