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How Do I?
- Buy Tickets
- Reserve Old Cabell Hall Auditorium
- Borrow Equipment
- Audition
- Declare a Music Major
- Enroll in Private Lessons
- Apply to Ph.D. Program
- Submit an Arts Supplement
- Submit Publicity
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- Newsletter Sign-Up
- Get more information about UVA Music
- Donate
- Rent an Instrument Locker
- Use a Practice Module
- Hire UVA Musicians for Private Events
- Apply for Music Dept. Undergraduate Scholarship
Booking Rules and Fees
Old Cabell Hall Auditorium’s primary mission is to support the academic needs of the Department of Music and to preserve this historic building for future generations. The Auditorium also endeavors to support the academic needs of other UVA departments and organizations. The Auditorium is not available for private social functions. All events are subject to review for suitability to the physical structure of OCH, the academic mission of the Department of Music.
Reservation schedule
To reserve Old Cabell Hall Auditorium:
- Please check our Google calendar to see if there are any available times in the Auditorium.
- If the time you want appears to be available, please e-mail oldcabell@virginia.edu with the date and time you wish to reserve. Please include the contact name, presumably the one who is emailing, the name of the group and the type of event in your message.
- If the date is free and we are able to reserve it for you, we will put a seven-day tentative hold on that date. By the end of the seven days, we will need the basic event cost as deposit and a signed contract, or you WILL lose your tentative hold and your date may be reserved by someone else. UVA Departments can use a PTAO as the security deposit. This contract must be completed, signed, and returned (with basic event cost as deposit) within 7 days of receipt or reservation will be released. Deposit will be deducted from the bill sent after the event. No work will be done on the event until basic event cost is received. Confirmed reservations are subject to cancellation. Please send completed contract (with a check made payable to the McIntire Dept. of Music) to: Director of Music Production, McIntire Dept. of Music, P.O. Box 400176, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4176.
If there are no available times for your event in Old Cabell Hall, you may view other possible University of Virginia locations at: 25Live.
Reservation Contract
The links to the 2022-2023 season contracts for reserving Old Cabell Hall and working with the Arts Box Office should be available soon!
Fee schedule
Cost for using Old Cabell Hall for 2022/2023
$550 for a five-hour reservation.
This payment includes a five-hour reservation time and up to two hours of rehearsal time (if available). All events require at least one House Manager. Managers are provided by the Department of Music at a cost of $60 for the basic event slot and $12 an hour for each additional hour. The House Manager is to remain until all guests/ caterers/ participants/ audience members/and equipment have left the building.
Fees in addition to the Basic Cost and Events Manager
Additional Services / Direct Costs:
Additional staff time | $10-$30 per hour
Additional time (during UVA breaks) | $200 Base additional charge for any event held when UVA is not in academic session.
Additional time- business hours | $50 per hour if it is during normal business hours during academic session
Additional time- non business hours | $100 per hour if it is not during normal business hours during academic session
Box Office | All ticketed events must use the Arts Box Office. Please contact the Arts Box Office at tickets@virginia.edu for fees and contracts.
Contract change | $50 Includes change of event date, start time, instrument requirements, and staff requirements.
Harpsichord use | $100
Lighting | * Contract independently. No one is allowed to move/touch refocus /gel OCH lights
Orchestra chairs/ stands | $100 Over 14 chairs/ 7 music stands
Piano tune | $95
Piano Use | $180
Podium | $0
Reception | * Obtain permission from Production Manager
Risers (choral) | $100
Security | Varies - Call U.VA police 4-7088, & House Managers at least 2 weeks in advance if security is needed (crowd control, late night)
Sound - Amplification or Microphones | * For any needs that involve multiple microphones, mixing consoles, or web casting, please consult independent contractors,
Sound - Recording | $50 - Only available to Music Department and Affiliated Groups
Ushers (failure to provide ushers) | $200 - It is mandatory that all events have between two and ten ushers (as assigned by the Production Manager). Failure to provide ushers and keep them at their posts for the entire event will incur this fee.
Organ Use | $100 for Portative Organ. Call for price and availability of using the Skinner Organ
Organ Tuning | *Contract and pay for these services separately.
*Contract and pay for these services separately.
Cabell Hall Auditorium has a number of stage light pre-sets. For more detailed theatrical lighting options you will need to contract a certified lighting technician independently. Please note that NO-ONE can move/ touch/ refocus/ gel Old Cabell Hall lights under any circumstance.
Security is needed for any event going past 11:00 p.m. The sponsoring organization must hire University Police for certain large events no later than one week prior to the event. Contact the Production Manager for additional information and the necessary paperwork.
Sound / Microphones
For concert sound enhancement / amplification / projectors, projection screens, web casting, etc, please contact one of the many AV providers in Charlottesville.