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VWC 50th anniversary poster

The Virginia Women’s Chorus will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary with a concert Saturday, March 29, at 3:30pm in Old Cabell Hall. Alumnae and current chorus members will come together for a full weekend of fun and exciting events. The VWC Alumnae and Friends Association has been planning a fun and eventful weekend for the last weekend in March! Special appreciation to Chris Butler (’89) and her committees for their superb planning! Alumnae will be returning from near and far to reunite with old friends and make new ones. 

The first half of the concert will feature VWC’s alumnae and current chorus members singing various genres of music under several former conductors. Two of the Chorus’s former music directors, Donna Plasket and Libby Moore Slade, will be conducting music by Vivaldi, Mendelssohn and Slade. 

Current members of the Virginia Women’s Chorus will perform alone for most of the second half. Selections will include contemporary and classical genres, along with the Grammy song of the year, “What Was I Made For?”. A small band will accompany the Chorus for the popular song, “Landslide”. Featuring the graduating members, it is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. The concert will conclude with a special musical offering written for the 50th anniversary that will bring the alumnae back on stage to join with the current members. The concert will conclude with the two ensembles singing “Simple Gifts”, arranged by current director, Katherine “KaeRenae” Mitchell in 1989. It has become the signature song of the Chorus that is sung with alumnae present at the end of each concert.

Tickets are General - $25, Alums ('19-'24)/Seniors - $15, and Students - $10.

Old Cabell Hall is located on the south end of UVA’s historic lawn, directly opposite the Rotunda (map). Parking is available in the central grounds parking garage on Emmet Street, in the C1 parking lot off McCormick Rd, and in the parking lots at the UVA Corner.  Handicap parking is available in the small parking lot adjacent to Bryan Hall.

All programs are subject to change.

This is an affiliated event.