Robert Normandeau Colloquium

The CCT Committee at the McIntire Department of Music presents a colloquium by Robert Normandeau on Friday, October 11th at 3:30pm in room 489 New Cabell Hall. The talk is free and open to the public.
Robert Normandeau’s talk will focus on four cycles of acousmatic music. They are Cinema for the ear, Onomatopoeias, Quotes and Timbre Spatialisation. He compares acousmatic music to the cinema, and will present examples from four different cycles composed over the last three decades.
Robert Normandeau, is a noted composer of acousmatic music, as well as music for theatre. He is the current winner of the Wachmeister Award at the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, and is giving a colloquium and masterclass at the University of Virginia as part of his residency.
He is Professor in Electroacoustic Music Composition at Université de Montréal and has won major international prizes for his music. These include Ars Electronica in Linz, Luigi Russolo in Italy, Métamorphoses in Brussels , Musica Nova in Prag, and many others. Commissions include those from The Banff Centre for the Arts, BBC, CKUT-FM, Codes d’accès / Musiques & Recherches, Jacques Drouin, Les événements du neuf, Groupe de recherches musicales (GRM), Groupe de musique expérimentale de Marseille (GMEM), Terri Hron, Claire Marchand, , Arturo Parra, Société Radio-Canada, Réseaux, Sonorities Festival, and Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM).
Old Cabell Hall is located on the south end of UVA's historic lawn, directly opposite the Rotunda. Parking is available in the central grounds parking garage on Emmet Street, in the C1 parking lot off McCormick Rd, and in the parking lots at the UVA Corner. Handicap parking is available in the small parking lot adjacent to Bryan Hall.
Please call the Music Department at 434.924.3052 for more information.
To all the speakers in the colloquium series visit
All programs are subject to change.