Embodying Intangible
Computer Lab
Old Cabell Library
Old Cabell
Place Together
The Mind Open
Expression of Heart
Moved by Imagination
A Future Sound
Profound Attachment
Group in front of music building
Fri | Aug 30
10:00am | Old Cabell Hall
Fri | Sep 06
6:30pm | Carr's Hill Field
Fri | Sep 13
6:30pm | Carr's Hill Field
Sun | Sep 22
3:30pm | Old Cabell Hall
Sat | Sep 28
7:30pm | Old Cabell Hall

Music Department News

Molly Joyce's article "Disability, Family, Artistry: A Search for Balance and Access" was published in a sociology...

Molly Joyce, graduate student of the UVA Music Composition and Computer Technologies program, has been chosen as a...

Molly Joyce, a PhD student in Composition and Computer Technologies, has been featured in a UVA Arts Magazine...


UVA Department of Music
112 Old Cabell Hall
P.O. Box 400176 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4176

Email: music@virginia.edu