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Private Lessons

The Department of Music offers private instruments and voice lessons

The Department of Music offers private instruments and voice lessons for credit. Grades for private lessons are calculated in your GPA, and will appear on your UVA transcript. Full-time UVA students may apply the credit hours from private lessons to their degree program, however, you may only apply up to 16 music performance credits (including all MUBD, MUEN, and MUPF courses) toward the 120 hours required for graduation.  Enrollment takes place at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. For information on ensemble performance opportunities in the department, visit our ensembles and auditions webpages.

Lesson Levels

Music Instruction is offered in three class levels:

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For students playing at a beginner to intermediate level or with limited time to practice. Half-hour or one hour lessons, credit/no-credit (pass-fail), ½ or 1 credit hour. No jury required, but optional performance opportunities will be available. Individual instructors may, as they wish, set definite performance requirements for their students. A limited number of scholarships may be possible, as funding permits, but normally students at this level should expect to pay for their lessons.

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Advanced performance, for students working at the level of a music major, though not necessarily majoring in music. Prerequisite: at least one semester of 2000-level study and a successful audition. Normally auditions take place during fall or spring juries; if this is not possible, students audition at the beginning of the semester. One hour lessons, graded, 2 credit hours. Students at this level should make a time-commitment to practicing appropriate for major-level study. We suggest a norm of at least 6 hours/week, though individual performance instructors may set a different (lower or higher) expectation of practice time as appropriate. Students play a jury at the end of the semester. Students at this level are often on scholarship, but scholarship support is always contingent on availability of funds.

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Honors performance, to be taken for two semesters, by fourth year students preparing a Distinguished Major or Performance Concentration recital or, in cases of unusual ability, by students preparing a full recital to be given before their fourth year. Prerequisite: 3000-level study, successful written application, and a successful audition. One hour lessons, graded, 2 credits. Jury at the end of the first semester, recital near the end of the second semester. Students are normally on scholarship, but scholarship support is always contingent on availability of funds.


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There is a fee for private lessons, which is in addition to regular tuition:

Lesson Credit | Cost

  • ½ Credit (2000-level) | $432.50
  • 1 Credit (2000-level) | $865
  • 2 Credits (3000- & 4000-level) | $865

PAYMENT FOR LESSONS: Private Lesson fees will be billed for collection by Student Financial Services. Students can view and pay account balances online for private lessons.

Please see Student Financial Services website for information regarding the University’s Refund Policy 

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Enrollment Dates

Enrollment Deadline — January 27, 2025
Late enrollment must be approved by student's Association Dean

Drop Deadline — January 28, 2025
Prorated charges will apply

Withdrawal Deadline — March 10, 2025
Prorated charges will apply

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Enrollment Procedure for Full-Time UVA Students

INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION: Contact the instructor in your area of interest as early as possible to ensure there is availability in their studio.

ENROLL IN LESSONS: After obtaining approval from the instructor, log into your SIS account to request enrollment for the private lessons. The instructor will approve your enrollment request in SIS. Once permission is granted, you will receive an automatic email with an expiration date by which time you must accept the permission. Often, the expiration date is 24 hours after permission is granted.

AUDITIONS: Instructors may require auditionsAll students taking lessons through the Department of Music for the first time must enroll for 2000-level lessons, a credit/no-credit (pass/fail) class that carries either 0.5 or 1 credit. Only students who have successfully auditioned for the 3000-level will be allowed to enroll in 3000-level study, which is a graded course (2.0 credits). If you have taken at least one semester of lessons with the Department of Music and wish to audition for the 3000-level, inform your instructor as soon as possible so that an audition can be arranged before the enrollment period ends.​

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Piano Auditions

Classical Piano
Fall 2024: Sunday 9/1. Auditions are required for placement in one of our studios, and are normally held during the weekend following the first week of classes. For more detailed information and to register your interest in auditioning, please fill out the form at this link:

Jazz and Non-Classical Piano
Fall 2024: Contact Calvin Brown. 
In Jazz and Nonclassical Piano we will: Study the masters; Learn standard jazz repertoire; Learn to play songs by ear; Learn about improvisation; Ideas for playing in group settings.  If you have questions or want more information about Jazz and non-classical piano lessons please contact Calvin Brown ( More information about Calvin Brown.

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Voice Auditions

Classical / Musical Theatre Voice

Classical / Musical Theatre Voice  SPRING 2025 Audition Info
The University of Virginia Department of Music holds placement auditions for study with members of the Classical / Music Theater Voice faculty. Students may request a specific teacher in the space provided on the audition form. (We do our best to honor all such requests as space is available.) Biographical listings for all voice faculty can be found here.

Contact Vocal Coordinator, Pamela Beasley at to secure an audition time. Auditions: Friday, January 17 beginning at 2:30 OCH Rm. TBD.  If you are unable to audition on this date, a video submission is allowed. Those video recordings will be accepted January 10-17.    Please e-mail the link to your recent video audition to the address:

What to sing at auditions:  You should prepare a selection: an art song, aria, music theater selection, folk song, hymn or anything else you are comfortable singing. A pianist will be available for the auditions. Students who wish to use the audition pianist should bring proper printed sheet music to their auditions.  If you have any questions, please contact Pamela Beasley at

Jazz / Popular Voice
Fall 2024: No audition is required - contact Stephanie Nakasian at to schedule a mutually convenient timeslot for your live in-person lessons.

Students learn safe vocal technique to open up a natural powerful voice and to increase breath, range and flexibility from a teacher with 40 years of touring and recording experience all over the world. Vocalists will use the text "You already know how to sing: Voice lessons - Life lessons" (available at the UVA Bookstore or from Stephanie Nakasian's website). Once a student has selected their songs for their lessons, they have the choice to accompany themselves on guitar or piano, purchase a commercial track, or ask Ms. Nakasian to prepare tracks to accompany them.

Students learn how to go from practice to learning a song to performance. There is an optional voice recital at the end of the semester.

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Lesson Scholarships

Through the generosity of private donors and the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Music has limited funding available for lessons scholarships. With some very rare exceptions, only students who performed a jury at the end of the semester are eligible for a scholarship, which would be awarded the following semester.

If a scholarship is awarded, the student will be notified via e-mail regarding the scholarship amount. Students awarded a partial scholarship must enroll in at least a one-credit lesson in order to apply their scholarship.

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Enrollment Procedure for UVA Employees and Community Members

University employees and community members may enroll in private performance lessons, subject to teacher availability and to the following policies:

  • Email the faculty member offering the desired music lesson to seek permission to enroll.  The email must include the student’s reasons for applying for private lessons, any relevant music experience, and any prior involvement with the UVA Department of Music.
  • If faculty member permission is received, the student must forward that email to the Department of Music Chair Ted Coffey (and copy Tina Knight asking for the Chair’s approval.
  • If both instructor and Department of Music Chair approval are received, the student must upload those emails as verification to the SCPS Community Scholar online registration form.

Pre-college students are subject to the SCPS policy on High School and Home Schooled Students. Only juniors or seniors in high school are eligible to request to enroll in private performance lessons. Copies of the required documentation (high school transcript, Parent/Guardian Permission Form, letter of recommendation from the high school) must be submitted along with the instructor and chair emails in the instructions above for community members.

Full-time UVA students receive priority to enroll in private performance lessons each semester.

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Please download the Jury Form and fill out the top section prior to your performance. You will need to provide a copy of the form for each juror. If you prefer, bring one completed copy of the form to the Administrative Coordinator in the Department of Music office, and he/she will make copies for you. If you would like to have copies made, please bring your originals before the day of your jury.

Blank copies of the Jury Form are also available in the Department of Music office.

For questions, contact Tina Knight, Academic Programs Coordinator - 434-924-1435.