Panel on Disability Pedagogy in Higher Education

The UVA Music Department is pleased to present the first colloquium of the fall 2024 series on Friday, September 6, 2024, at 3:30 pm in 107 Old Cabell Hall. This Panel on Disability Pedagogy is free and open to the public.
The Panel on Disability Pedagogy in Higher Education, convened by Fred Maus and Molly Joyce, and featuring Martine Svyantek (SDAC) and Elizabeth Ellcessor (Media Studies, Director of the Disability Studies Initiative)
Many different impairments are grouped together under the word “disability.” They may be physical or psychological, visible or invisible. Disability may create serious obstacles of many different kinds in educational settings. On Friday, September 6, the Music Department will host two guest speaker who will help us think about disabled students in higher education. 107 Old Cabell Hall, 3:30 to 5 PM.
Elizabeth Ellcessor is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Media Studies. She is also a Senior Faculty Fellow at the Miller Center. Since fall 2022, she has been the Co-Editor of JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies. Dr. Ellcessor’s research and teaching focus on questions of access and equity in contemporary American media, particularly with respect to disability and embodied difference. She is the author of Restricted Access: Media, Disability, and the Politics of Participation (2016) and co-editor of Disability Media Studies (2017). She regularly teaches undergraduate courses on Disability and Media, Media Bodies, and Digital Media Accessibility. Her latest book, In Case of Emergency: How Technologies Mediate Crisis and Normalize Inequality (2022), considers how 9-1-1, sirens, social media, and other technologies create and shape the concept of “emergency” for diverse publics. Prior to joining UVA, Dr. Ellcessor taught at Indiana University, where she taught classes on media industries, digital media cultures, and celebrity. She holds an M.A. and PhD in Media and Cultural Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Martina Syvanek is an Accessible Technology Specialist, CPACC, with experience facilitating selection and loan of adaptive technologies in a university setting. She uses her subject matter expertise to provide support and training on adaptive technologies to students, faculty, and campus and community partners. She has a doctorate from a self-designed and highly-individualized interdisciplinary program exploring policies related to Disability and accessibility within higher education (PhD, Virginia Tech, 2021). She recently became the Strategic Initiatives and Accessible Technology Manager within the Student Disability Access Center at UVA.
Old Cabell Hall is located on the south end of UVA’s historic lawn, directly opposite the Rotunda. (map) Parking is available in the central grounds parking garage on Emmet Street, in the C1 parking lot off McCormick Rd, and in the parking lots at the UVA Corner.
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Please contact the UVA Music Department at 434.924.3052 or for more information.
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